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Early Childhood Program

The Early Childhood Program focuses on being the foundation for later grades. Coherent curricula are created that will progressively support and build on learning and development throughout the student’s early childhood years. A variety of appropriate experiential learning opportunities are emphasized in a relaxed, unhurried and unpressured environment.


The school provides resources and opportunities to meet the needs of the students:

  • experiences that instill Catholic, Christian values because he/she is a special child of God

  • rapport with peers and adults, as foundation for proper social development

  • consistent and nurturing care

  • opportunities for physical activities, indoor and outdoor exercises

  • opportunities to explore and meaningfully interact with the environment

  • opportunities for creative and expansion of ideas through a variety of media, including technology

  • opportunities to interact with, learn from and be appreciated by other students

  • proper discipline with respect to the use of school equipment and materials

  • stimulation and support to develop socially, emotionally and physically


Pre-Kindergarten Program

Social & Emotional Expectations at registration

  • Be away from the parents without being upset

  • Is not afraid to go to school

  • Takes care of toilet needs independently

  • Cares for belongings (All personal belongings must be labeled)

  • Dresses self independently

  • Knows full name

  • Knows parents’ names

  • Recognizes authority

  • Speaks easily

Pre-Kindergarten Guidelines


Our goal is to respect and develop the individuality of each child. We encompass the whole child spiritually, academically, physically and socially. We assist each child in developing a positive self-image and increase his/her awareness of others and the world around him/her.



The teacher plans and provides the best atmosphere for the total growth and development of the students. Our curriculum includes many opportunities for language, art, music, free play, social, physical and spiritual development. The lessons are based on weekly or monthly themes that include the basic academics, as well as other topics.



Students are encouraged to exercise proper behavior through a positive tone of voice and praise. 



Clothing must be suited for active and messy play. All clothing must be labeled with the child’s name. A complete change of clothing in a plastic bag should be brought to school for emergency situations.


Toilet Usage: All students must be fully potty trained Fully potty trained is when a child can independently use the bathroom facility when necessary. The child needs to independently dress and clean themselves. The child also needs to be able to communicate s/he needs to use the toilet as appropriate. No diapers or pull-ups allowed. If a child has an accident, all teachers-staff are not permitted to clean the child. Parents will be called if assistance is needed. If accidents become disruptive, parents will be notified and the student’s continued enrollment will be discussed. Students may be required to not attend school for a period of time until potty training is complete.


Biting: If biting is frequently occurring, a conference will be held to discuss further action. Parents are expected to support the school in our efforts to keep all students safe in the classroom. If a child has bitten another person and broken the skin, that child will be sent home.

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