Registration Schedule for ALL sports!!!
THE REGISTRATION SCHEDULE FOR SPORTS WILL BE AS SUCH UNLESS ANOTHER PANDEMIC OR OTHER WORLDLY CATASTROPHE!!! We have to follow a schedule ourselves as we are part of a conference of schools and have to schedule actual teams. We can no longer schedule teams and then "hope and pray" that we have enough students that register for sports. The conference has specific scheduling dates that we must to be able to meet. As such, here is the registration schedule for all sports, fall through spring.
Athletic Registration for ALL SPORTS in ALL SEASONS starts May 1st!!!!
This means you can register all at once for all sports, you don’t have to wait for each deadline…….
*****A new physical examination must be turned in every year for sports; your child will not be allowed to participate without an updated physical. The IESA Physical Card form is available on the St. Anastasia Catholic School website in the registration section for Athletics. If your child specifically is going to be in the 6th grade please utilize the DCFS Child Health Exam Certificate form as it is also acceptable for your child’s required 6th grade physical. Please be sure this form is filled out by your medical provider as other medical charts etc. are NOT valid for sports participation physicals. Completed Physical examination forms need to be turned in to the St. Anastasia Catholic School Office in person, in an envelope marked St. Anastasia Athletics with your child’s name on the envelope. If you have an electronic copy of your child’s physical, there is a place in the registration where you can upload it to us. You can complete the registration without the physical, however you will need to turn it in before your child can start playing.*****
Visit our website to register. St. Anastasia Athletics Home Page
Fall sports: Boy's Soccer and Girl's Volleyball WILL CLOSE on July 1st!!!! If you are late there will be a late fee, and we will only be able to accept late registrations for a very short period of time.
Winter Sports: Boy's and Girl's Basketball WILL CLOSE on September 1st!!! If you are late there will be a late fee, and we will only be able to accept late registrations for a very short period of time.
Spring Sports: Boy's Volleyball and Girl's Soccer WILL CLOSE on December 1st!!! If you are late there will be a late fee, and we will only be able to accept late registrations for a very short period of time.
The "short period of time" can vary each year, each sport. It depends on the date the conference sets the schedule for the games and matches. Basically this means don't hesitate!!!! Get those sports registrations in!!!!
As it seems to have worked, we have had a positive return of uniforms and equipment, we will continue with the $40 uniform and equipment deposit. Please make a separate, check if paying by check, for the uniform deposit as we do not cash them unless the uniforms and/or equipment is not returned. We will not accept credit or debit for the uniform deposit. Check or cash only.
To complete your registration, go to the website and create an account, follow the instructions to register for each sport, Physical, and the fees must be turned in prior to the season’s start. A fee of $20 will be assessed for late registrations as these have to be completed manually.
Interscholastic sports is so much more that just exercise for your kids. It teaches them self reliance, teamwork, sportsmanship, and integrity. They will learn the value of hard work. Your child will also build lifelong friendships and memories. I can attest to that myself as "the coach" when my first team of student athletes (now graduates) still come to games and try to come and visit at practices and now assist me coaching teams. Do not deny your kids that privilege, and it is a privilege, for both them as well as we the coaching staff.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions!!!
Thank you for your continued interest in St. Anastasia Sports,
Norma Contreras
Jen Beltrame, Athletic Director